Policy/Politics |
HD HHI Vice President Han Beom-woo and Vice President Yeon Gyu-jin of Korean Register (KR) pose at a ceremony in which HD HHI received an AIP certificate on a new type of tank shape designed for various liquefied gases and fuels from KR during Nor-Shipping 2023 in Oslo, Norway on June8.The announcem…
President Kang Joon-suk of Busan Port Authority speaks after he received the 2023 Management Grand Prize at the spring seminar of the Korea Academic Association of Business Administration at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry on June 23. (Photo: BPA)Busan Port Authority (BPA) said the number…
Dignitaries, including Minister Cho Seung-hwan of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Gyeongsangbuk-do Gov. Lee Cheol-woo, and Gyeongju Mayor Joo Nak-young participate in a ceremony to celebrate the 28th anniversary of Ocean Day at Gyeongju Expo Grand Park on May 31. (Photos: MOF)The Ministry of O…
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon unveils the vision “Garden City, Seoul,” at a news briefing at Seoul City Hall on May 24. (Photo: SMG)Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon announced the vision “Garden City, Seoul,” declaring a shift into a “global garden city,” a departure from the dense forest of gray structures.&nb…
Dignitaries, including Gov. Kim Jin-tae and Chmn. Kwon Hyuk-yeol of Gangwon Provincial Council, attend a signboard hanging ceremony to inaugurate the Gangwon Special Self-Government on June 12. (Photo: Gangwon Special Self-Government)Gov. Kim Jin-tae of the Gangwon Special Self-Government began his …
Commissioner Yoon Tae-sik of Korea Customers Service (KCS), delivers a speech at a ceremony to open Korea Customs Week 2023, which took place at the Shilla Hotel on April 26. (Photo: KCS)Fifty-seven countries participating in Korea Customs Week announced the “Seoul Declaration,” a joint statement …
The Seongnam Water Purification Center was certified with the food safety management regime ISO 22000. (Photo: K-water)The Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water) has made strenuous efforts to supply tap water at international top-quality levels, ranging from water resources in-take to tap water…
A map of a second double-track route between Pyeongtaek and Osong. (Photo: KR)Korea National Railway (KR) has set aside 708.2 billion won for eight rail projects this year: two new high-speed railway projects and six general projects. They include projects to build a second double-track route b…
Chairman and CEO Han Ki-jun of Korea Marine Environment Management Corp. (KOEM) and Suhyup Bank President Kang Shin-sook attend a ceremony to extend an MOU to raise funds for “Sh Marine Plastic Zero” deposits and installment savings products at KOEM headquarters in Garak-dong, Seoul, on April 25. …
President Kim Jun-seok of Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority (KOMSA) and President Park Gyeong-chul of Korea Fisheries Infrastructure Public Agency (FiPA) pose after they struck an MOU on public infrastructure to build a marine safety cooperation regime on May 16. Korea Maritime Tra…
Chairman Koo Ja-kyun of LS ELECTRIC poses with President Lee Jae-eon of Samsung C&T T&I Group and COO Kim Jong-woo of LS ELECTRIC after Samsung C& and LS ELECTRIC struck an MOU to jointly implement global new businesses at Samsung Main Bu…
CEO Chon Jung-Son of POSCO E&C. (Photos: POSCO E&C)POSCO E&C celebrated the 30th anniversary of its founding on Dec. 1. Prior to that, the company held the “Exhibition to Record Challenging and Vow Innovation” to mark its dec…
Daewoo E&C Chmn. Jung Won-ju poses with former Indonesian President Widodo after they had a meeting in which they discussed ways of promoting cooperation at Indonesia’s presidential palace in Jakarta on Oct. 18. (Photo: Daewoo E&C)Daewoo E&a…
SK ecoplant President Kim Hyung-keun. (Photos: SK ecoplant)SK ecoplant is opening a model house for “Centumpark SK View,” an apartment complex to be sold in Yeonjae-gu, Busan, the company said on Oct. 11. The Centumpark SK View will have three…