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President Woo Sang-sun of Hyosung R&D Labs Hyosung has developed a new advanced polymeric material to replace nylon for the first time in the world.  The company announced on Nov. 4 the commercialization of the material patented under the name of Polyketone, which could be applied to a wi…
LG Chem. Senior Vice Preas. Cho Kap-ho shakes hands with Miniser of Trade, Industry and Energy Yoon Sang-jick afer receiving the coveted Order of Industrial Service, Silver Tower. (Photo: MOTIE) LG Chem. Senior Vice Pres. Cho Kap-ho has been presented with the coveted Order of Industrial Servi…
Chairman Suh Kyung-bae of AmorePacific Corp. delivers his congratulatory speech at the company’s 68th anniversary on Sept. 5 at the company’s auditorium. AmorePacific Corp. celebrated its 68th anniversary on Sept. 5 with Chairman Suh Kyung-bae pledging to expand the company’s overseas opera…
Korea Institute for the Advancement of Technology (KIAT) President Chung Jae-hoon speaks as he takes office as the KIAT president. (photo: KIAT) The Korea Institute for the Advance-ment of Technology (KIAT) will push for joint international R&D projects with foreign research institutes and…
CJ Korea Express Vice Chairman Lee Chae-wook, concurrently CEO of CJ Corp.(photo: CJ Group) CJ Group has carried out a massive reshuffle, appointing CJ Korea Express Vice Chairman Lee Chae-wook to concurrently serve as the CEO of CJ Corp., the holding company of the group, to replace Lee Kwan-…
Samyang Group holds a ceremony for the group’s mountain climbing team to scale the key mountains in the Taebaek Mountain Range in Kochang, South Jeolla Province.(photo: Samyang Group) The Samyang Group held a group-wide lunch at its head office in Yonji-dong, downtown Seoul on Aug. 30 wi…
Toray Advanced Materials Korea Chairman Lee Young-kwan shakes hands with Jeollabuk-do Gov. Kim Wan-joo after announcing a plan for Japan’s Toray Industries and its Korean unit to invest 300 billion won to build a plant capable of producing polyphenylenesulfide (PPS) resin and compound dev…
LG U+ has made a feat of achieving a net increase for the eighth straight month over its rival telecom service providers in the mobile phone number portability and carrier switching market.  KT, competing with LG U+  over the number two position in the G4 LTE (long-term evolution) servi…
Dignitaries attend a ceremony to launch Incheon International Airport’s second passenger terminal project on Sept. 26President Jung Chang-soo of Incheon International Airport Corp. (IIAC) speaks at the event.  Incheon International Airport’s second passenger terminal project to cope with ris…
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President Kwon Myung-ho of Korea East-West Power (EWP) makes an inspection tour of power complexes to ensure the stable supply of electricity amid a frigid weather during the winter power supply countermeasure period until Feb. 21, 2025. (Photo: EWP)…
Ex-President Joo Young-min of HD Hyundai Oil Bank shakes hands with Yasuhiro Suzuki, CEO of Cosmo Oil as they participated in a ceremony on a share purchase agreement related to HD Hyundai Oil Bank’s acquisition of HD Hyundai Cosmo Oil at Lotte Hote…
President Huh Se-hong of GS Caltex. (Photos: GS Caltex)GS Caltex has celebrated the 57th anniversary this year. The company, a trailblazer in Korea’s energy sector since 1967, is pushing the boundaries of innovation with its comprehensive digit…
CEO Cha Dong-hyung of Korea Petroleum Quality and Distribution Authority. (Photos: K-Petro)The Korea Petroleum Quality & Distribution Authority (K-Petro) is participating in the transportation distribution market management after being designated…

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