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Kyobo Life Insurance Chairman Shin Chang-jae asks employees to speed up digital transformation and achieve technological and marketing innovation at the 2022 Management Strategy Meeting held at Kyobo Life Insurance headquarters in Gwanghwamun, Seoul on Jan. 7. (Photo: Kyobo Life Insurance)Chairman S…
On Feb. 11, Yoon Jong-won, president of the Industrial Bank of Korea, presides over a non-face-to-face meeting with branch managers across the country at the IBK headquarters in Euljiro, Seoul, stressing that the IBK should ease financial burdens on small and medium-sized enterprises and small busin…
교보생명은 보육원, 저소득층 가정 새내기 대학생 22명을 포함, 대학생 80여 명에게 ‘교보생명 희망다솜장학금’을 전달했다고 4일 밝혔다. 교보생명은 교보교육재단과 함께 소외계층 청소년들이 배움의 뜻을 실현할 수 있도록 돕고, 이들에게 서로 의지할 수 있는 큰 의미의 가족을 만들어주기 위해 지난 2003년부터…
Chairman Cho Yong-byoung of Shinhan Financial Group. (Photo: Shinhan Financial Group)Shinhan Financial Group enjoyed its best-ever business performances in 2021, posting a net profit of 4,019.3 billion won. The results were attributable to asset growth, increased interest income from interest r…
Chairman Yoon Jong-kyu of KB Financial Group. (Photos: KB Financial Group)KB Financial Group joined the very small group of companies which have recorded 4 trillion won in net profit in 2021 by setting a new profit record. The financial group will also implement shareholder-friendly policies ba…
Chairman Kim Jong-ho of Korea Technology Finance Corp. (KOTEC).In his New Year’s message, Chairman Kim Jong-ho of Korea Technology Finance Corp. (KOTEC) said that, “Last year was a year in which KOTEC proved its values to outside by easing difficulties related to a liquidity crisis, caused by the …
Lee Dong-gull, chairman of KDB speaks at an online press conference for the New Year with regard to the European Commission’s disapproval of a merger between KSOE and DSME on Jan. 27. (Photo: KDB)“We are very sorry for the decision which the European Commission made based on national selfishness,…
Chairman Kim Jung-tai of Hana Financial Group. (Photos: Hana Financial Group)In 2021, Hana Financial Group’s annual net profit surpassed 3 trillion won for the first time in the company’s history, as increased loans and interest rate hikes significantly drove the growth of interest income. Ha…
Sohn Tae-seung, chairman of Woori Financial Group. (Photos: Woori Financial Group)For Woori Financial Group, 2021 was the best ever year in its history. It succeeded in its complete privatization and logged its highest business performance ever, with its annual net profit nearly doubling from 2020.O…
Son Byung-hwan, chairman of NH NongHyup Financial Group, has time to check and discuss the status of overseas stores’ business operations in a New Year’s meeting with heads of overseas branches on Jan. 26. (Photo: NH NongHyup Financial Group) NH NongHyup Financial surpassed 2 trillion won in …
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Chairman Koo Ja-kyun of LS ELECTRIC poses with President Lee Jae-eon of Samsung C&T T&I Group and COO Kim Jong-woo of LS ELECTRIC after Samsung C& and LS ELECTRIC struck an MOU to jointly implement global new businesses at Samsung Main Bu…
 CEO Chon Jung-Son of POSCO E&C. (Photos: POSCO E&C)POSCO E&C celebrated the 30th anniversary of its founding on Dec. 1. Prior to that, the company held the “Exhibition to Record Challenging and Vow Innovation” to mark its dec…
Daewoo E&C Chmn. Jung Won-ju poses with former Indonesian President Widodo after they had a meeting in which they discussed ways of promoting cooperation at Indonesia’s presidential palace in Jakarta on Oct. 18. (Photo: Daewoo E&C)Daewoo E&a…
SK ecoplant President Kim Hyung-keun. (Photos: SK ecoplant)SK ecoplant is opening a model house for “Centumpark SK View,” an apartment complex to be sold in Yeonjae-gu, Busan, the company said on Oct. 11. The Centumpark SK View will have three…

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