KB Kookmin Bank Outsmarts Scammers Using Big Data
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KB Kookmin Bank Outsmarts Scammers Using Big Data
Selected as the main bank to take care of fund execution and corporate credit card use by KTCU

27(Sat), Aug, 2022

Kim Sang-gon, chairman of the Korea Teachers’ Credit Union (KTCU) and Lee Jae-keun, president of KB Kookmin Bank pose after they signed a KTCU-KB Kookmin Bank principal bank business agreement Aug. 10. (Photo: Kookmin Bank) 

KB Kookmin Bank announced on Aug. 11 that it derived insights into increasingly intelligent voice phishing methods through AI/big data-based unstructured text analysis from customer center consultation data.

According to press releases from the National Police Agency and the Financial Supervisory Service, voice phishing damage has been on a steady rise, and damage by messenger phishing through imposters for 90 percent of the total damage.
As a result of KB Kookmin Bank’s analysis of customer fraud data, it was found that voice phishing uses various characteristics of each respective age group. 

Various phishing methods were tried for each customer’s characteristics, and it was found that there were many customers who were vulnerable.

Older customers who are the main target of voice phishers are more vulnerable to messenger phishing, as swindlers impersonate family members and acquaintances and induce transfers to fake deposits.

Customers in their 20s and 30s are expected to be relatively vigilant to voice phishing. But they were involved in more voice phishing cases involving fake text messages from courier imposters than other age groups.

Many people fell victim to schemes to steal personal information by using a victim’s psychological weakness and inducing online money transfers, or by leading them to links to malicious application installations.

Special attention is required from customers. Voice phishing methods are tailored to genders and age groups, so it is necessary to devise customized measures based on ages or characteristics of customers.

KB Kookmin Bank uses KB certification marks when sending text messages to customers and blocks fake text messages through whitelists of mobile carriers. 

The bank is also running an anti-voice phishing program which detects malicious apps when running KB Star Banking Application. 

“We will build a monitoring system that detects voice phishing damage consultations received to the customer center in real time and triggers preemptive alerts through the Future Contact Center (FCC) Project,” a KB Kookmin Bank official said.

KB Selected as Main Bank of KTCU

KB Kookmin Bank was selected as the main bank to take care of fund execution and corporate credit card use by the Korea Teachers’ Credit Union (KTCU). 

The KTCU announced on Aug. 11 that it had signed a KTCU-KB Kookmin Bank principal bank business agreement with KB Kookmin Bank on Aug. 10. 

The principal bank business agreement period will be valid from August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2028. Previously, the KTCU selected KB Kookmin Bank as its main bank through open bidding and Proposal Evaluation Committee meetings.

The signing ceremony held at The-K Tower in Yeouido, Seoul on Aug. 10th with the attendance of officials from both institutions including Kim Sang-kon, chairman of the KTCU and Lee Jae-keun, president of KB Kookmin Bank.

With this agreement, KB Kookmin Bank will perform fund execution and give deposit/withdrawal support, establish and manage an integrated fund management system and conduct business card and other business activities as the main bank of the KTCU. 

In particular, KB Kookmin Bank explains that when the integrated fund management system powered by KB Kookmin Bank’s internal control and security system is established, the bank will be able to prevent financial accidents in advance so that it will be able to receive and pay KTCU funds in a stable manner.

“We have increased our financial service capabilities specialized for educational institutions while sincerely playing our roles as the main bank of the Government Employees Pension Service (GEPS) and the Teachers’ Pension,” a KB Kookmin Bank official said. “Through this agreement, we will provide specialized financial services to members of the KTCU.” 

“We expect that the KTCU’s work efficiency will increase through the business agreement with KB Kookmin Bank, a leading bank with the largest number of customers in Korea and IT infrastructure at the highest level,” said Kim Sang-gon, chairman of the KTCU. 

“We look forward to using KB Kookmin Bank’s service more conveniently and enjoying a strong partnership with the bank.” 

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