Shinhan Life to Boost Customer Service and Protection
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Shinhan Life to Boost Customer Service and Protection
Life insurer operates special teams to collect ideas and complaints from customers to improve its services

31(Sun), Mar, 2013

President Kwon Jum-joo(3rd R) of Shinhan Life Insurance
 Co. holds a placard saying the company¡¯s catchphrase, " 
Compassionate Finance, Compassionate Insurance," 
with executives and branch managers at a recent meeting.

Shinhan Life Insurance Co. will judge the value of its management activities on customer satisfaction, President Kim Jum-joo said.
The insurer has been engaged in diverse activities to reach its management goal of moving customers¡¯  minds by practicing just operations with a focus on jobsites and service reforms.
In order to solidify its customer-centered management base, the company has been working on diverse customer protection activities. Breakfast meetings, meetings at jobsites, and special CEO lectures are some of the events held among home office staff, staff at branches, and consultants under the company¡¯ s policy to understand the CEO¡¯ s management philosophy on customer protection by all those working for the company.
Every year, excellent customers and consumers are invited to the company¡¯ s events and given financial information useful for their protection along with prizes.
President Kwon selected ¡°warm insurance¡± as the core management strategy for the team designated to promote customer protection management and consumer protection. One of the team¡¯ s jobs is to check whether an insurance product is very beneficial and appropriate to the customer who buys it from the point of sale. The team also checks the existing customers¡¯  insurance products to see if they are appropriate and beneficial to their needs.
The company has also been at work to boost the capacity to protect customers and is working on mid-to-long term strategies and a step-by-step growth roadmap to improve customer satisfaction levels by 2015.
The company has been running a special organization and council system in charge of customer service management to both improve customer service and protection.
The call center offers the ¡°silver phone service¡± for customers over 60 years of age as well as the VIP consultation service providing tailor-made services.
The company has also been operating the customer panel system since last September, which is designed to collect various ideas or complaints from customers through an online survey and discussion meetings and reflect them in the company¡¯ s customer service strategies. 
Shinhan Life Insurance Co. is the recipient of the 2012 Korea Grand Management Award for the rapid pace of growth it has sustained since its launch in 1990, despite tough management conditions at home and abroad. The life insurer clinched the Grand Award for Customer Satisfaction Management of the 2012 Korea Grand Management Award.
The life insurer¡¯ s laudable achievement is its payment capacity ratio at 300 percent ¡Æ¢â well over the standard guideline, which is the barometer for the financial health of life insurers with net increases in new insurance policy contracts and the planners¡¯  organizational structure.
The company won a AAA credit rating from the Korea Credit Rating Agency for five years in a row, the top rating in the life insurance industry, and the company received the same top rating from the Korea Enterprise Evaluation.
The company also received the top rating in the economy, environment, and society sectors and third in the overall evaluation from the 2012 Korea Life Insurance Industry Possible Sustainable Evaluation by ERISS.
Shinhan Life¡¯ s steady growth is owed to President Kwon Jum-joo¡¯ s ideal for dreaming, passion, communication, mind-winning leadership through change and reform, and a segregated corporate culture, since his arrival at the company.
Customer satisfaction and protection have been the major point in the CEO¡¯ s management policy and the company has been going all out to those ends through diverse means. 
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