MIRECO Holds Session on Promoting Cooperation in Mine Reclamation in Mongolia
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MIRECO Holds Session on Promoting Cooperation in Mine Reclamation in Mongolia
Government officials from Mongolian Department of Mineral Resources, Petroleum Authority, and other organizations and academic experts participate in the event

31(Sun), Mar, 2013

Officials from Mine Reclamation Corp. and the Mongolia Petroleum 
Authority attend the 2013 Mongolia-Korea Mine 
Hazard Management Workshop in Ulan Bator on Jan. 25.

Mine Reclamation Corp. (MIRECO) has established a foothold in Mongolia.
MIRECO said that at the invitation of the Mongolia Petroleum Authority, MIRECO participated in a workshop to provide support to Mongolia¡¯s establishment of mine reclamation systems and policy-making, on Jan. 25 in Ulan Bator.
The event, being held as part of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy¡¯s project to promote collaboration in the industry and energy fields, was attended by government officials from Mongolian Department of Mineral Resources, Petroleum Authority, and other organizations and academic experts. 
The participants from Korea and Mongolia reviewed Mongolia¡¯s mine reclamation systems, and discuss ways of promoting the development of mine reclamation systems of their countries and establishing mine reclamation and management policies for maintaining sustainable resources development.  
A MIRECO official said, ¡°Mongolia is suffering from environmental problems related to the development of large-sized mines.¡± This event will serve as a good opportunity for Korea to transfer its advanced mine reclamation system to Mongolia, he added.
In 2009, MIRECO signed an MOU on cooperation in mine management with Mongolia. MIRECO is carrying out projects to restore soil damaged by the development of mines, improve water quality, rehabilitate afforested areas, and stabilize ground foundation.
MIRECO was established in accordance with legislation governing the prevention and restoration of damage caused by mines in a bid to integrate the related jobs that had been spread out to several government agencies as well as to implement relevant projects in a systematic and efficient manner.
Specifically, MIRECO assumes such responsibilities as the installation and operation of equipment designed to prevent damage caused by mines, R&D and training on mine damage, and international collaboration projects on mining-related damage. 
MIRECO, staffed with expert manpower, serves as a responsible, specialized institution designed not only to prevent substandard construction, but also to promote the development of technology aimed at preventing mine damage. Projects designed to prevent mine damage are being undertaken with a national view and continuous management of closed mines ensures improved environmental conditions of mining areas, the health of residents, and pleasant settlement buildup.
MIRECO strives to help the mining industry maintain sustainable development in order to ensure a stable supply of coal, one of Korea¡¯s industrial raw materials, by wiping out its reputation as the ¡°culprit of environmental pollution.¡± 
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