KAMCO Holds Award Ceremony for Startup Competition Using Public Data
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KAMCO Holds Award Ceremony for Startup Competition Using Public Data
Holds a joint declaration ceremony for cross-generation empathy while announcing the Code of Conduct for employees

22(Wed), Dec, 2021

Shin Heung-shik (3rd from left), acting president of KAMCO poses for a photo with winners of the Startup Competition Start-Up Competition Using Public Data at KAMCO Yangjae Tower on December 2. (Photos: KAMCO)

Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMCO) held an award ceremony for the Start-Up Competition Using Public Data at KAMCO Yangjae Tower in Seoul on Dec. 2 to create a start-up ecosystem using public data and produce the results of digital New Deal innovation.

Of the 37 teams which participated in the event, 10 were selected in the preliminary round to support development costs, data utilization, and commercialization consulting for two months. 

The judging committee finally selected four teams that presented excellent business models as winners in the final stage.

For the final round, KAMCO and the Seoul Center for Creative Economy and Innovation held a meeting of the judging committee consisting of experts on Nov. 23 and reviewed business plans submitted by 10 teams in terms of business feasibility, public data utilization, technological feasibility and originality. 

The Grand Prize and 10 million won in prize money were awarded to Pspace, which proposed an online field survey service that combines proptech and public data.

Enviro, which proposed a carbon emission trading platform, took home the Most Excellent Prize, with prize money of 6 million won.
The Excellence Prize with 3 million won in prize money went to the Office Checkin, a rental information comparison platform, and Wello, a customized policy recommendation solution.

“As we are now living in an era where real estate information is accessible in 3D, we have added services to enable the preliminary on-site exploration of public offerings through virtual spaces so that people will be able to use the Onbid Service of KAMCO intuitively and conveniently,” said Lee Ji-eun, CEO of Pspace which won the Grand Prize. 

“Through new business models presented at this competition, we have confirmed the huge potential of using public data and expanding the KAMCO Onbid platform,” said Shin Heung-shik, acting president of KAMCO. 

“KAMCO will continue to support the commercialization of excellent new ideas so that they will lead to the expansion of benefits for the people and the creation of decent jobs.”

Declaration Ceremony for Cross-Generation Empathy 

KAMCO announced on Dec. 6 that it held a joint declaration ceremony for cross-generation empathy on the 47th floor of KAMCO Headquarters in the Busan International Financial Center (BIFC) on Nov. 29.

The declaration was written based on collected opinions from the Anti-Corruption Human Rights Infringement Prevention Meeting held 11 times over the past two months, and resolutions written by employees in Ethics and Human Rights Week, and produced the Code of Conduct for KAMCO employees.

The Code of Conduct involved the following: establishing fair standards, such as distribution of tasks, and sharing clear instructions and principles; cross-generation empathy and harmony efforts; the use of positive language, and respect for one another; and learning the positive points and merits of each generation and mutual recognition for a better future based on the present.

Shin Heung-shik, acting president of KAMCO talks about job issues and careers at the 5th Job Camp for College Students.

Job Camp for College Student 

KAMCO held its fifth Job Camp at the KAMCO Human Resources Development Institute in Asan, South Chungcheong Province on Dec. 3, with 100 students from 42 universities nationwide. 

KAMCO College Student Job Camp is a college student-supporting social contribution activity that KAMCO has been conducting since 2017 in order to help college students prepare to get jobs in the financial sector and will support participants with occupational preparations, consulting and interview coaching over the next three months.

At the job camp, Acting President Shin hosted the Honest Job and Career Talk in which he communicated with college students about jobs and careers. 

Shin’s talk show was followed by special lectures on hiring trends in the financial sector and an understanding of the financial industry.

“I was worried because it was difficult to get a decent job due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, but I really want to succeed in getting a job in the financial sector using information and know-how I obtained from Job Camp,” said a college student who participated. 

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