Mirae Asset Securities Crosses 1 Trillion Won in Operating Profit 2 Years Running
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Mirae Asset Securities Crosses 1 Trillion Won in Operating Profit 2 Years Running
Joins DJSI World Index for 10 consecutive years by focusing on enhancing its value, credibility and profitability

25(Thu), Nov, 2021

Chairman Park Hyun-joo of Mirae Asset Securities. (Photo: Mirae Asset Securities)

Mirae Asset Securities announced on Nov. 11 that it posted 397.2 billion won in operating profit in the third quarter of this year, recording cumulative operating profit of 1.25 trillion won in the first three quarters of 2021. 

As a result, Mirae Asset Securities logged over one trillion won in consolidated operating profit for the second consecutive year after racking up one trillion won for the first time in the securities industry in 2020.

Net profit before tax also hit a quarterly high of 482.3 billion won. In particular, high profit from business operations and strong business performances by overseas subsidiaries led to differentiated performances based on business strategies. 

Commission income from selling and buying on consignment and corporate finance commission income inched down 4.1 percent and 0.8 percent from the previous quarter to, respectively, 188.5 billion won and 92.1 billion won. 

Commission income from financial product sales and interest income rose to 67 billion won and 101 billion won, respectively, from the previous quarter.

Income from business operations stood at 399.8 billion won, rising 103.8 percent from the previous quarter, contributing to an overall increase in profit. 

Despite increased uncertainties, such as an increase in real estate prices, an interest rate raise and the continued spread of COVID-19, Mirae Asset Securities was able to yield excellent results through thorough risk management-based operational responses, the company explained.

Its asset management sector showed steady growth, as the volume of overseas stock assets and pension assets exceeded 20 trillion won, respectively, for the first time in the securities industry last quarter. 

Its overseas stock balance continued to climb, reaching 22.6 trillion won, and those of pensions grew 20.9 trillion won. 

That contributed greatly to stable profit generation, going beyond a brokerage-oriented biased profit structure. 

In the corporate finance sector, its overall IB profit totaled 113.5 billion won due to big IPO deals for Krafton and Hyundai Heavy Industries, and a rise in commission incomes in the acquisition arrangement sector.

Mirae Asset Securities’ overseas affiliates racked up 203.7 billion won in pre-tax net profit in the first three quarters of 2021, exceeding 201 billion won in the same period of 2020, showing strong results in the global business. 

Mirae Asset Securities' active penetration of overseas markets through specialized regional strategies is expected to result in more stable and sustainable growth in the future.

Mirae Asset Securities is competing with global investment banks by establishing a virtuous cycle of investment and recoup based on blue-chip investment assets based on its own capital of 10.5 trillion won, the largest in the industry. 

In particular, the securities company is considered able to generate stable profit despite market fluctuations by realizing even profit in all business areas including wealth management, IB, trading, and overseas business. 

In the meantime, Mirae Asset Securities announced on Nov. 15 that it has been selected as a company in the Dow Jones Sustainable Index World (DJSI World) for 10 consecutive years on Nov. 13. 

The DJSI World selects and announces the top 10 percent of listed companies in the world in consideration of not only economic but environmental, social, and governance performances.

The program boasts its strong public trust and is used as a measure for socially responsible investment (SRI). 

Only 14 of the 117 companies made this year’s list in the financial service sector of the DJSI World. Among the 14 was Mirae Asset Securities. 

Mirae Asset Securities has been making steady efforts to further solidify the foundation for enhancing its value, improving internal and external credibility and generating stable profit for investors and customers as a company fulfilling its social responsibility.

In particular, this year Mirae Asset Securities has boosted its efforts to grow its ESG capabilities via the establishment of a four-stage governance system including the ESG Committee. 

It is actively seeking to create new business opportunities through the creation of the ESG Policy Framework and the Environmental and Social Policy Declaration among others. 

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