‘LX to be Reborn into Data, Platform Provider’
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‘LX to be Reborn into Data, Platform Provider’
President Kim says LX will contribute to the Korean New Deal initiative through innovation

23(Wed), Jun, 2021

President Kim Jung-ryul of Korea Land and Geospatial Information Corp. (LX) (Photos: LX)

“Digital innovation will be essential due to the contactless situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and Korea Land and Geospatial Information Corp. (LX), which has been so far been a cadastral and spatial information provider, will from now on be transformed into a data and platform provider,” LX President Kim Jung-ryul said.

President Kim, a little more than six months in office, made the remarks at a news briefing at the Sejong Government Complex on June 6.

His remarks may be construed as LX’s bid to contribute to the Korean New Deal initiative through innovation to conform its capabilities to coping with outside changes.

President Kim’s changes have begun to be felt through reorganization. Under control of the Spatial Information Office, LX inaugurated the Digital Twin Team, the Underground Information Business Department and the Drone Convergence Department.

An official with Korea Land and Geospatial Information Corp. (LX) looks at Jeonju’s digital twin pilot project area via a VR gadget at LX’s digital twin experience zone.

Related manpower has been augmented and cadastral survey manpower has been newly hired at proper places.

These steps are designed to push ahead with core tasks of the Korean New Deal initiative such as digital twin, data dam and the digitalization of public safety social overhead capital.

In particular, this year is a significant year for spreading digital twin utilization models. LX has been implementing digital twin utilization model services in the Jeonju City area covering 206 sq. km since 2018 and it strives to make them success stories of the Korean New Deal initiative.

The related services include a survey of locating 10 million trees being planted and overhauling of a system of collecting food waste.

Concepts over digital twin have varied in Korea so far and there is no legal ground for LX’s taking over a variety of administrative data necessary for digital twin services.

But Jeonju City fixed LX’s problems by legislating ordinances on the building and operating of a smart city. Based on the experiences, LX has stepped on the gas to develop and spread a digital twin utilization model process.

LX also plans to build a data dam foundation by overhauling the information management regime to utilize a variety of spatial information services, such as digital twin.

LX, which has been designated as an institution specializing in underground space information, is now working on the production of a 3D underground integrated space map combining 15 kinds of underground information.

Excavations, such as tap water, waste water, gas and three other underground facilities, are required to undergo an underground safety evaluation using the integrated map.

In this context, an underground space integrated map will be built for 33 city and local government and the private sector’s communications and power conduits this year.

LX plans to build 2D and 3D information on petroleum pipelines, stretching 1,104 km in length, being managed by the private sector.

LX plans to consult with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) ways of ensuring safety management of specialized underground facilities such as steam pipelines and chemical pipelines whose deterioration is considered to be dangerous.

LX, a drone education institution in the public sector, plans to ramp up the competitiveness of the drone industry.

LX plans to nurture drone production companies, educate drone operation and imagery interpretation manpower.

LX plans to support legal and institutional reform to use drones for cadastral surveys while developing LX drones tailored to survey land.

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