LG U+ Joins Forces with Nokia to Develop Core 5G Network Technology
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LG U+ Joins Forces with Nokia to Develop Core 5G Network Technology
Korean telecom service provider unveils Self Backhole Node at MWC 2017

25(Sat), Mar, 2017

LG U+ Vice Chairman Kwon Young-soo.

LG U+ unveiled the Self Backhole Node, a core component of fifth-generation (5G) networks, that the company jointly developed in cooperation of Finnish tech giant Nokia. The announcement was made at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017 in Barcelona, Spain on Feb. 28.

The Self Backhole Node is a technology that allows radio waves, whose transmission is slower and interrupted, to be better received. The poor reception can arise due to structural interference or distance from transmission. Unlike ordinary repeaters which function as amplifiers, the Self Backhole Node technology can not only amplify, but actually boost the data transmission rates by restoring signals that had declined in the course of transmission. Additional fixed lines are not necessary since mobile signals are received from other base stations. 

Self Backhole Node equipment can be installed with ease at traffic signals or atop electric poles. 

The technology will be commercialized according to the schedule of the introduction of 5G services after its qualification is certified. 

Park Song-cheol, chief of LG U+ Network Technology Group, said “The necessity for developing the Self Backhole Node is not high due to the densely installation of LTE base stations and cheaper prices of repeaters, but the use of the wireless Self Backhole Node will be widespread to ensure efficient coverage at a 5G era.”

A Nokia official demonstrates the Self Bckhol Node, a core component of 5G networks LG U+ has developed in cooperation of the Finnish tech giant.

LG U+ on the Move in IoT Service Market

LG U+, which designated the Internet of Things (IoT) as a new growth engine, is stepping on the gas to explore new services in the IoT sector.

LG U+ says it is determined to walk the walk in such core business segments as video and electronic settlements, making them sustainable profit models.

LG U+ plans to nurture such industry IoT segments as smart factory and smart buildings as growth engines that can create value for customers by differentiating itself from rivals in the industry and public fields. 

The company strives to develop IoT services with developers and manufacturing companies while building an IoT ecosystem with SMEs and venture companies.

The “All-in-One Setup Bo U+tvSoundbar,” released by LG U+. (Photos: LG U+)

Subscribers Allowed to Enjoy High-Definition YouTube Videos

LG U+ has released the “All-in-One Setup Bo U+tv Soundbar” to allow subscribers to enjoy refined YouTube videos at a high definition of 4K UHD.

The release of the product came recently after the telecom service provider put on the market the IPTV All-in-One U+tv woofer in 2014. The latest product has a slim, simple design and offer super high-definition, super high sound.

The product, outfitted with speaker tweeter for high sound, boasts refined sound compared to U+tv wooper. Unlike the conventional setup box with manual settings for optimized genres, the latest product has adopted the Adaptive Sound Control technology to automatically set optimized sound effects corresponding to content.

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