¡®KPX to Come Out of Crisis Stronger¡¯
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¡®KPX to Come Out of Crisis Stronger¡¯
Chairman Nam makes a call to his executives and staff in his New Year¡¯s message

31(Thu), Jan, 2013

Korea Power Exchange Chairman Nam Ho-ki gives a speech in a ceremony to mark 
the start of the 2013 business year on Jan. 2.

Korea Power Exchange Chairman Nam Ho-ki said in his New Year¡¯s message, ¡°A respected organization will come out of a crisis stronger. Stressing the importance of integrity once again, any organization who makes efforts and preparations will never sink. Let¡¯s overcome the upcoming crisis over electricity supply and raise KPX¡¯s standing and identity.¡±
KPX has been overhauling the nation¡¯s power grid system as part of its efforts to regain public confidence in the wake of the Sept. 15, 2011 rolling blackout and fortified its preparedness to cope with stringent situations, said the chairman, adding that crises and difficulties make KPX stronger in the end. 
Last December saw the lowest temperatures in 56 years, and a frigid winter continues, the chairman said. He added that as it comes to the operation of the power grid, by the end of this year, when power reserves have been secured, KPX will have the capability and expertise to weather any crisis. 
KPX set last year¡¯s vision as ¡°The Electricity Business Platform, Trusted by People,¡± and the 2013 goal is a focus on electricity businesses. 
KPX has more expertise in the operation of the power grid and market perspectives than any others, said Nam, adding that KPX will build a foundation to provide national support to emerging countries in Africa and Asia, which earnestly want KPX¡¯s assistance.
Nam said KPX will strive to make the nation a powerhouse with expertise in carbon credits in connection with Korea¡¯s hosting of the Global Climate Fund Secretariat, and that the employment of IT in the power prediction field would lead to excellent business models contributing to reducing energy costs.

¡°An advisory from the National Emergency Management Agency Central Civil Defense Warning Command: We¡¯re issuing a warning against a possible power cut as power reserve levels have dropped below 2 million kW as of 10 a.m.¡±
The nation conducted a 20 minute-long drill against an electricity emergency situation on Jan. 10, the second time since June when a similar drill was carried out. 
The drill was performed under a simulation supposing electricity reserve levels dropped below 2 million kW, one stage shy of the worst level. As a warning siren sounded at just 10 a.m., people in houses, commercial buildings, offices, and factories participated in a power conservation drive on a voluntary basis without being evacuated to shelters.

KPX Chairman Nam examines the movement of electricity reserves as
 the nation is put on an emergency footing in a simulated electricity emergency drill. 

The drill did not involved residents¡¯ evacuation or traffic controls so as not to cause inconveniences to people. KTX, subways, flights, and ships operated as usual, and hospitals also offered regular treatment. 
In particular, the drill focused on reviewing public organizations¡¯ emergency response system, introduced under measures to ensure a stable supply of electricity during winter. 
Earlier, the nation entered another round of its electricity conservation drive during the period between September and November. The public energy conservation campaign had paid off, tiding over a power shortage crisis during the summer season, but the nation is still on an emergency footing against a power outage as base load power facilities are now undergoing preventive maintenance, causing uneasiness about power supply.
The Ministry of Knowledge Economy declared the September-November period as the ¡°4th Public Power Plant Construction Week,¡± a concept under which electricity conservation has the effect of constructing power plants, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Sept. 15, 2011 rolling blackout incident, and announced a four-point action plan, dubbed ¡°Goodness! Let¡¯s go for it!¡± for autumn. 
The ¡°4th Public Power Plant Construction Week¡± is designed to not only take a look at the occurrence of the rolling blackout incident, but also to make the public energy conservation campaign part of the general public¡¯s daily life. In this regard, the four action tasks, considered to make it easy for the general public to engage in conserving energy, will be carried out until the end of November. 
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