HFG Turns to Cohesive Chemistry Following Merger
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HFG Turns to Cohesive Chemistry Following Merger
Hana Bank and KEB mark the first anniversary of their merger this month

31(Thu), Jan, 2013

Hana Financial Group Chairman Kim Jung-tae delivers a speech at the ¡°Start 2013 Event¡± at the Olympic Gymnastics Stadium in Seoul on Jan. 5. The gathering attracted about 10,000 employees from all subsidiaries of the financial group including Korea Exchange Bank, with which the financial group merged one year ago. 

This month, the Hana Financial Group (HFG) marks the first anniversary of its acquiring Korea Exchange Bank (KEB). Hana Bank and KEB are devoting themselves to exploring win-win strategies to maximize the synergetic effects of their merger, one of Korea¡¯s biggest M&A deals ever, becoming a much talked about topic in the banking industry. The Hana Financial Group, which has already announced its goal to become one of the top 50 global banking leaders, has been focusing on communication to ensure cohesive chemistry to ensure co-prosperity. 
A case in point was the Hana-KEB VIP Invitation Concert that took place at the Olympic Hall at Olympic Park in Bangi-dong, southeastern Seoul, on Dec. 12. The event included the so-called ¡°7080 superstars,¡± including singers Lee Mun-sae, Haebaragi, Min Hae-gyeong, and Namgung Ok-bun, who performed to an audience of about 2,000. 
All executives from the financial group, Hana Bank and KEB were present at the concert including Hana Financial Group Chairman Kim Jung-tae, Hana Bank President Kim Jong-joon, and KEB President Yun Yong-ro. This marks the first time the two banks have jointly sponsored a customers¡¯ event under their joint marketing strategy. 
With the background of the joint sponsorship in mind, Hana Financial Group Chairman Kim said, ¡°We¡¯ll do our utmost to go beyond being just the nation¡¯s top bank and join to the ranks of the global top 50 banks, as Hana Bank, selected as the best bank in Korea by the magazine The Bank, becomes one with KEB.¡± A group official said the two banks try to offer optimal services tailored to meet customers¡¯ needs by making the most of the two banks¡¯ own strengths as they continue to join forces in marketing.
The financial group is focusing on settling its management style to enhance teamwork and a sound corporate culture, group officials said. True to its management catchphrase ¡°Healthy Hana, Happy Together,¡± they said the financial group is stepping on the gas to strengthen communication through various channels. One example of these efforts is the ¡°Red Mailbox¡± through which the staff at KEB¡¯s Chungcheong Business Division launched a drive to exchange messages of thanks and praise among themselves on a voluntary basis as part of efforts to make the work environment exciting and communicable. The financial group is encouraging other divisions to follow suit in joining the drive, spreading it to all corners of the group. Each division chief offers prizes and words of encouragement after regularly opening the Red Mailbox, building an amicable corporate culture. 
The financial group¡¯s top echelon is accelerating its bid to ensure management based on smooth communication and sensibility. The group held a festival in which some 100 officials from the group¡¯s 10 affiliate companies participated under the slogan ¡°Sound Communication, the Hana Financial Group Way¡± in front of the group headquarters building in Uljiro, downtown Seoul, on Sept. 20. 
Strengthening the financial group¡¯s capabilities depends on organization traditions, manpower & their expertise, and clientele & their satisfaction. Industry pundits agree that such big financial institutions as the Hana Financial Group will likely have synergetic effects when they succeed in offering quality services through enhanced communications.
In a related development, Hana Bank President Kim has been taking considerable time out to have ¡°talk concerts¡± so far as part of his efforts to ramp up communications with staff. Since his inauguration in late March 2012, he has held ¡°Hana Talk Talk¡± sessions in Seoul on May 18, in Busan on Aug. 17, in Daejeon on Sept. 21, and in Gwangju on Nov. 23. 
KEB President Yun has made good on a promise he made while taking helm at the bank that he would meet all 8,000 staff members. He believes in worksite-oriented management tenets.   
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