KEB Hana Bank Officially Opens for Business Sept. 1
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KEB Hana Bank Officially Opens for Business Sept. 1
New President Ham Young-joo said top priority is to make new bank a leading institution not only in Korea, but around the world

25(Fri), Sep, 2015

President Ham Young-joo of KEB Hana Bank waves the flag of the new bank at its opening ceremony held on Sept. 1 at the bank’s auditorium in Seoul.(Photo:KEB Hana Bank)

Vice President Ham Young-joo of Hana Bank has been officially installed as the new CEO of KEB Hana Bank, which was launched officially on Sept. 1.

Chairman Kim Jung-tai of Hana Financial Group said in his congratulatory speech that the launch of KEB Hana Bank has provided a base to boost its position as a leading financial group in the world. 

At a ceremony to put up the name board of the new bank, the new president said the top priority of the new bank is to lead the financial industry in not only in Korea , but around the world. Ham also said he will focus also on expanding the number of the customers and solidifying internal management for the tighter operation of the new bank.

The group also said former CEO Kim Han-jo of Korea Exchange Bank and Kim Beoung-ho have been named as vice chairmen of the financial group in a reshuffle of its key executives following the merger of KEB and Hana Bank.

The first personnel move that the new CEO made was to make the head of KEB’s labor union the head of the Secretariat of the new bank’s CEO, signaling his determination to speed up the internal merger of the two banks. The move has been taken as extraordinary because the chief of KEB’s union put up a tough opposition to the merger and he was at the center of the union’s tough stand.

The president of the newly merged bank said he visited KEB first and met with leaders of KEB’S unions, adding that he will be open minded if they are sincere.

Ham told them that the bank and the union should cooperate with each other to make KEB Hana Bank successful. He will consider the situation of the staff of KEB and help them assimilate with the staff of the Hana Bank smoothly, as he understands their position well because he came from the former Seoul Bank to join the Hana Bank. 

After his meeting with the union leaders, he said he can work with them very well.

Chairman Kim Jung-tai, in a separate talk with the media,said the new bank will set up a unit to take charge of a smooth integration of the new bank to create a synergy between the two different corporate culture while they mix together. The Corporate Culture Change Unit born out of the merger of Hana Bank's Personnel Development Dep't and KEB's Management Planning Dep't will be in charge of handling the merger of corporate cultures of the two banks.

The new bank projects next year's annual profit would amount around 89.2 billion won, rise to 264.7 billion won in 2017 and to 341.5 billion won in 2018. The new bank will focus on its overseas operations and future operations at home to boost its earnings to maximum.

He was promoted as manager of the bank’s Bundang Branch in Bundang, Gyeonggi Province in 2004. In 2008, he was promoted to an assistant vice president before being put in charge of the bank’s Chungcheong Operation Group Representative in 2013.

His nomination must win approval from shareholders at an extraordinary meeting on Sept. 1.

"Ham is the right person for the position because he is qualified to smoothly control the integrated company and to maximize synergy effects of the integration," the CEO Recommendation Committee said in a statement.

"He has a good reputation among employees and has good communication skills. We believe he will successfully lead the integrated company in the face of tough market conditions." 

Ham has shown impressive performance in sales, which will help boost competitiveness of the integrated bank, the committee said.

Born in 1956 in Buyoe, South Chungcheong Province, Ham graduated from Dankook University with a bachelor's degree in accounting. He joined the now-defunct Seoul Bank in 1980. The bank was merged with Hana in 2002. At Hana, he has held various decision-making positions and climbed the corporate ladder with impressive performance, especially in sales-related positions.

Meanwhile, KEB-Hana Bank is expected to have combined assets of 290 trillion won ($245 billion), more than rivals Kookmin Bank with 282 trillion won and Shinhan Bank with 260 trillion won as of the end of June.

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