LG U+ to Spearhead Global Change with ‘Creative Spirit’
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LG U+ to Spearhead Global Change with ‘Creative Spirit’
Vice Chairman Lee declares first year of becoming a ‘New Life Creator’ with a focus in creating values shifting from service providers to customers

29(Thu), Jan, 2015

LG U+ Vice Chairman Lee Sang-cheol chats with Mark Walters, chairman of the Z-Wave Alliance, at the home appliance tradeshow CES in Las Vegas.  (photos:LG U+)

LG U+ Vice Chairman Lee Sang-cheol gave his New Year’s message on Jan. 2 and expressed his determination to take the initiative in making global changes with extraordinary creative spirit.

“A new ICT era will usher in a different world than now,” Vice Chairman Lee said. 

He declared the year 2015 as the first year of becoming a “New Life Creator” with a focus in creating value, shifting from service providers to customers.

Lee expounded as the characteristics of the new ICT era me-centric safety, video content containing emotion and expanded infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT), connected with numerous sensors in real time, on the cloud and Big Data.

In particular, Lee said, “Let’s spearhead global change with an extraordinary creative spirit and become a ‘new life creator’ that makes each customer’s life safer and more affluent and touches his or her emotions.”

In order to become a “new life creator,” he stressed humility, courage and wisdom as the DNA for becoming a company capable of creating new lives. He urged his executives and staff members to challenge and take the initiative without fear — even though they are faced with new environment and markets. 

Vice Chairman Lee emphasized anew that the company should make this year one filled with creative spirit that is never seen in other people, and spearhead global change.

LG U+ Discusses Ways of Spearheading IoT with Business Partners

In an interview on the sideline of 2015 CES in Las Vegas recently, one of the world’s largest home appliance trade shows , LG U+ Vice Chairman Lee said, “the IoT era is a period with a focus on individuals. Machines and technology imitating human beings’ emotions will dramatically reduce individuals’ time and cost.”

“In reality, the home appliance tradeshow CES had not been related with telecom service providers. But things are changing fundamentally. Take a look at the evolution of smart homes and smart cars, it turns out that a wide range of sensors can create different new values, so this year is the first year of ushering in an era of IoT,” he said. 

“Looking around the booths of such electronics companies as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Sony and Qualcomm, I’ve found that IoT technologies are still divergent. The most important thing is the brain. I’ve tried to find who serves as the brain with no availability,’ the vice chairman added. 

The number of sensors for networking is estimated at between 1 billion and 2 billion, but the figure is forecast to rise to more than 100 billion in five years. The IoT revolution needs to bring about unlimited connectivity, so there will be no time lost in the course of connectivity.

In a related development, Vice Chairman Lee met with business partners to discuss ways of spearheading IoT businesses on the sideline of 2015 CES held at Las Vegas.

Lee had a meeting with Mark Walters, chairman of the Z-Wave Alliance, one of the world’s largest IoT business partner consortia, to discuss ways of promoting collaboration on Jan. 7. 

Vice Chairman Lee and his executives toured booths of Qualcomm, Intel and other global players. In particular, Lee reportedly met with Paul Jacobs, executive chairman of Qualcomm, but what they discussed during the 30-minute talks was not disclosed.

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