KESCO Grabs 2013 Korea Customer Satisfaction + Management Award
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KESCO Grabs 2013 Korea Customer Satisfaction + Management Award
CEO Park wishes the New Year will be a year for ¡®making the seed take root and sprout for the future¡¯

25(Mon), Feb, 2013

Korea Electrical Safety Corp. President Park Cheol-gon poses with his company 
officials for a group photo after receiving the 2013 Korea Customer Satisfaction + 
Management Award from Korea Sustainability Management 
Evaluation at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul on Jan. 17.

Korea Electrical Safety Corp. (KESCO) has won the overall grand prize in the public administration service category in the 2013 Korea Customer Satisfaction + Management Award in recognition of offering customer services tailored to meet customers¡¯ needs. The corporation received the honor for the third consecutive year.
Korea Customer Satisfaction + Management Award, established by Korea Sustainability Management Evaluation (KSME) in 2007, is given to companies in recognition of successfully putting into practice customer satisfaction management and protecting customers¡¯ rights and leading the national economy toward becoming an advanced one. 
Since 2011 when President Park Cheol-gon took office, KESCO has been credited with spearheading customer satisfaction management under the new vision of ¡°becoming a company leading electrical safety, making customers happy, and the work place exciting.¡±
A case in focus is a customer service forecasting system in which KESCO offers services tailored to meet customers¡¯ needs by analyzing customers¡¯ complaints and grievances it receives each month. It also earned acclaim for offering a customer satisfaction employees¡¯ training program in which KESCO aggressively explores things customers want in order to reinvent and conduct in-house training sessions for employees.
KESCO¡¯s efforts to that effect have also paid off: grabbing the highest ¡°excellent¡± grade in the Public Customer Satisfaction Index (PCSI) survey by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance for the fourth consecutive year.
KESCO President Park said, ¡°We strive to redouble our efforts to make KESCO a public enterprise of which all people feel happiness and pride when it comes to electrical safety by offering services moving customers beyond their expectations.¡±
KESCO President Park said in his New Year¡¯s message, ¡°Last year was a time for sowing the seed for what is dubbed the so-called 2nd Founding, and the New Year will be a year for making the seed take root and sprout for the future.¡± ¡°The outcomes of a mid- and long-term strategy diagnosis slated for early this year will serve as a precious compass for this end,¡± he added.
Park called for his executives and staff to throw their heart and soul into putting into practice several suggested options since they are designed to brace for the future and promote sustainable development.
Second, he said, KESCO will have to step on the gas to create new growth engines for its 100-year history.
Third, Park urged his staff to ensure that KESCO¡¯s efforts promote institutional innovation for the purpose of the safety of electrical facilities.
Fourth, he said, KESCO will have to spearhead social responsibility management so that the company can be trusted by the people. 
Fifth, he said, KESCO will push for getting rid of a precedent of occupational classification, which is time-consuming and not easy. 
Sixth, he said, KESCO will no longer be lenient with safety-related accidents caused by such carelessness as the violation of safety rules and negligence. 
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