3rd KNFC Int¡¯l Fishing Symposium to Give Insight into Future Fishing Industry
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3rd KNFC Int¡¯l Fishing Symposium to Give Insight into Future Fishing Industry
Suhyup hosts the international conference with the goal of resurging the fishing industry with a national policy agenda of realizing happiness through oceans

30(Fri), Aug, 2013

Chairman Lee Jong-koo of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Suhyup)

 speaks at the 3rd KNFC International Fishing Symposium.(Photos: Suhyup)

  The year 2013 is sure to be remembered as a significant year in the history of the Korean fisheries industry and fishing communities as the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) has been revived under the Park Geun-hye government.

The MOF is stepping on the gas to resurge the entire fishing industry encompassing upstream and downstream segments with a national policy agenda of realizing happiness through oceans as part of the government¡¯s efforts to nurture the industry as one of the nation¡¯s future growth engines.

In this context, the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Suhyup) will host the 3rd KNFC International Fishing Symposium in cooperation with the Fishing Committee of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) at the Jamsil Lotte Hotel in Seoul on Aug. 28. Global leading experts will give an insight into ways to develop the fishing industry during the conference, titled ¡°Future Industrialization for Resurging the Fishing Industry.¡±  

Speakers are expected to pay keen attention to the Park Geun-hye government¡¯s policy goal of promoting the future industrialization of the fishing industry. 

Unlike the previous symposiums, the upcoming conference will serve as an opportunity to give a new insight into the values of the fishing industry from the perspective of an interdisciplinary approach and a combination of the fishing industry and humanities. So far, similar events have addressed such woes facing the fishing industry, including climate change, excessive fishing, an aging population, and the expansion of market opening, but failed to work out a national and global consensus on the sustainable development of the fishing industry.

Brian Pagan, a professor at the anthropology department at the University of California, will be one of the keynote speakers who will touch on the fishing industry¡¯s importance and impact on human culture. He spoke about the importance of the fishing industry at the broadcast of KBS TV¡¯s documentary ¡°Super-fish¡± last year. He will explain how much the fishing industry has influenced human beings, ranging from prehistoric fishing for earning a living to the development of the inshore fishing industry and fish-farming industry. 

Four other speakers will speak about four themes: the global food crisis and the fishing industry¡¯s contribution to solving it; Marine Stewardship Council¡¯s certification and management; China¡¯s fisheries consumption patterns; and the future of the fishing industry. 

MOF Vice Minister Son Jae-hak will give a special speech on the topic of policy tasks in the fishing field and development strategies.

Suhyup Vision 2021

Chairman Lee Jong-koo of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Suhyup) and other participants of 

the 3rd KNFC International Fishing Symposium pose for the camera for a group photo. The event, hosted by Suhyup, 

took place at the Jamsil Lotte Hotel in Seoul on Aug. 28. 

Suhyup is shaping the way the organization is operated in accordance with its long-term plan ¡°Suhyup Vision 2021.¡±

Suhyup has been building up a new corporate culture based on performance-based work evaluation. In this regard, Suhyup has revised work performance evaluation systems, calling for giving preferential treatment in payment of incentives and bonuses according to performances.

Suhyup has been also establishing plans to expand its guidance functions. It has been proactively promoting more government support projects.  

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